Nákupný košík je prázdny

1 12in
Dostupnosť: Na objednávku
Cena: 14.99 €
Dátum vydania: 09.10.2020
EAN: 7119691266879
Kat.č.: Z83033
Distribútor: import4
Vydavateľ: MRBON

‘Made You Look’ was a shot in the arm for Nas at a time when he’d shed some of his core, street fanbase. After the unfocussed ‘Nastradamus’ and ‘I Am…’ albums he’d had a return to some kind of form with ‘Stillmatic’, but many felt he came off second best in the ensuing battle with Jay-Z.

This single, a club and street classic almost from the moment it dropped, is exactly what he needed to reconnect with his fans and to show he could still throw down. Lyrically, it’s hardcore bragging 101, delivered with panache and numerous quotables that themselves would go on to be sampled.