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1 12in
Dostupnosť: Na objednávku
Cena: 18.99 €
Dátum vydania: 25.09.2020
EAN: 4260437155544
Kat.č.: Z71348
Distribútor: import4
Vydavateľ: STAAT

Can you already speak of a comeback after a four-year break ?! The pop group Golf is definitely back.

On everyone's lips in 2016, described by Frederic Schwilden in the pop-feuilleton of Die Welt as "Beste deutsche undeutsche Band", it suddenly became very quiet.. At the height of their hype, they decided to withdraw.

Now the quartet from Cologne around Wolfgang Perez, André Dér-Hörmeyer, Nils Asthoff and Jonathan Heitkämper are finally returning to where the music is playing.

  • 1. -_(:-)_/-
  • 2. Tempo
  • 3. <3
  • 4. Raverlied
  • 5. <3 (Angst Vor Der Liebe)
  • 6. Regenmann