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Dostupnosť: Dodanie 4-9 dní
Cena: 18.99 €
Dátum vydania: 21.05.2021
EAN: 7007312409739
Kat.č.: AO147
Distribútor: mystic
Vydavateľ: SOM
Žáner: METAL

Indus black metal, using drum machines and synths.

  • 1. To Cut the Flesh and Feel Nothing But Stillness
  • 2. The Swords of the Headless Angels
  • 3. L'echo De Mon Mal
  • 4. Near the Bottomless Precipice I Stand
  • 5. I Drown My Eyes Into the Broken Mirror
  • 6. Vers Des Horizons Aux Teintes Ardentes
  • 7. Where the Crown is Hidden
  • 8. Even If the Devil Sings Into My Ears Again
  • 9. Everything is Blurry Now