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123 CD
Dostupnosť: Na objednávku
Cena: 433.99 €
Dátum vydania: 28.04.2021
EAN: 0028948367672
Kat.č.: 7A0414
Distribútor: import USA
Vydavateľ: DG
Žáner: Klasika

Deutsche Grammophon are proud to present the most modern and complete set of Beethoven’s work ever issued – 180 Hours of Music. Assembled in cooperation with Decca and 10 other labels; many alternative performances including three complete symphony cycles. Includes over 250 legendary performers from Gilels to Gardiner, Amadeus Quartet to Arrau, Furtwangler to Fischer-Dieskau, , Kempff to Karajan, Boehm to Brendel, Menuhin to Mutter and Perahia to Pollini. Extensive editorial – by leading Beethoven scholars. New Recordings – Over 150 minutes, including several world premieres. Scholarship – in partnership with the Beethoven-Haus Bonn, the one and only Complete Edition with support of the official Beethoven 2020 foundation.

Content : 118 CDs divided into 9 genres / 2 DVDs: Fidelio (Bernstein) and Symphonies nos.4 & 7 (Kleiber) / 3 Blu Ray Audio: Symphonies (Karajan), Piano Sonatas (Kempff), Quartets (Amadeus Quartet) / Colour-coded for easy navigation / Lavishly illustrated hardback book with new essay by Christine Siegert, introductory note by BarryCooper and a biography in pictures, alphabetical work index & artist index / 9 softcover books with tracklistings, notes and sung texts (EN/DE), illustrations, and full recording information