Nákupný košík je prázdny

1 LP
Dostupnosť: Na objednávku
Cena: 28.99 €
Dátum vydania: 01.10.2021
EAN: 9501481915544
Kat.č.: 1C2808
Distribútor: import4
Vydavateľ: K7
Žáner: JAZZ

Free Jazz pioneer, Evan Parker returns to Walthamstow to record an album taking inspiration from the renowned designer and activist, William Morris at the home of the socialist campaigner, which now houses the William Morris Gallery.

  • 1. Ww1
  • 2. Ww2
  • 3. Ww3
  • 4. Ww4
  • 5. Ww5
  • 6. Ww6
  • 7. Ww7
  • 8. Ww8
  • 9. Ww9